Mariángeles Soto-Díaz investigates politics and power structures as well as notions of belonging and empathy. In Everyday Grappling Operations, Soto-Díaz looks to the principle of resistance central to the practice of Judo as a metaphor for political engagement, both individually and collectively. She considers the ways that Judo might serve as a basis for strategic actions that advance broader ideals, such as wider acceptance of gender identity or racial equality and justice. The installation consists of floor mats and sculptural elements made of colored Judo belts arranged in a spiral according to level of Judo mastery. Over the course of the exhibition Soto-Díaz studied and trained within the installation. The space was also the site for performances and related events that offered audiences further engagement with the project.
This exhibition was organized by the Orange County Museum of Art and curated by Cassandra Coblentz.