OCMA Anniversary Week: Community Gathering
October 15, 2023, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Join OCMA as we celebrate the first anniversary of our new building designed by Thom Mayne of Morphosis Studio. In honor of our incredible inaugural year, the museum will present a weeklong series of events and activities. Enjoy live performances, artmaking activities, artist films, and more! Admission is free and everyone is welcome!
Yoga: Free Flow
11:00 AM
Take a breather and recharge your creative energy with a relaxing 60-minute yoga session on our beautiful outdoor terrace at 11:00 AM. Chill vibes guaranteed! Bring your mats and experience the healing powers of movement. Admission is free for OCMA members and $10 for non-members. Payment is due upon arrival. Please come fifteen minutes early to check-in at the Welcome Desk on Level 1 and then meet on the Upper Plaza on Level 2.
Upper Plaza, Level 2
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
We are thrilled to launch ¡ArteViva!, a new Spanish-friendly program celebrating contemporary art and culture. Get your creative juices flowing with all ages art activities, an exhibition tour, and then sway to the beats of live music by Timba Tumbao as you learn to salsa with an incredible teacher from La Vida Dance Studio in the heart of Orange County!
Estamos encantados de lanzar ¡ArteViva!, un nuevo programa en español que celebra el arte y la cultura contemporánea. ¡Deje sus jugos creativos fluir con actividades artísticas para todas las edades, tome un recorrido por las exhibiciones o déjese llevar por el ritmo de la música en vivo de Timba Tumbao! También tendrá la oportunidad aprender a bailar salsa con un increíble instructor de La Vida Dance Studio del Condado de Orange!
Upper Plaza, Level 2
Galleries, Level 1
2:00 PM
Exhibition tour / Recorrido en la exhibición
2:00 – 5:00 PM
Artmaking activities / Actividades artísticas
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Live music and salsa dance instruction / Música en vivo y enseñanza de baile de salsa
Let’s make this anniversary celebration unforgettable!
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