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Artist Talk: Andrea Bowers

June 9, 2024, 3:00 PM

Image of Artist Talk: Andrea Bowers

Photo: Anaïs & Dax

For more than 30 years, the Los Angeles–based artist Andrea Bowers has made art that activates. Bowers works in a variety of mediums, from video to colored pencil to installation art, and explores pressing national and international issues. Her work combines an artistic practice with activism and advocacy, operating as chronicler of contemporary history. A passionate ecofeminist, the symbiotic relationship between women and ecology is a recurring theme in her work, central in Femme Trans-Corporeal Fantasy (Victory to the Goddess) (2023), a monumental work on cardboard that just entered OCMA’s collection in 2023.

Join Andrea Bowers in conversation with OCMA CEO and Director Heidi Zuckerman as they discuss empathy, joy as a means of resistance, and how art can convey socially relevant messages through the aesthetic power of its language.